Legal documents

OXY Global is a brokerage company operating in Europe and other parts of the world. Before opening an account with us, we urge you to carefully review all our policies and regulations. If any questions or uncertainties arise, our managers are always ready to provide you with the necessary advice and assistance. We value transparency and honesty in all aspects of our work, and your trust in us is our priority.
Optimize your results with innovative technologies
Trading CFDs carries increased financial risks, and you need to fully understand these products before investing. If you have any doubts about your knowledge or experience, we recommend that you seek advice from professionals.
Before you start trading, please read our terms and conditions carefully. By using this website, you automatically agree to the company’s terms and conditions.
Please also note that we do not provide services to clients from the USA, China, Afghanistan, and the UAE.
© 2025 OXY Global. All Rights Reserved.